Firefighter Novels
Firefighter Novels are Better Than Cowboy Books
Louis L'Amour was a famous cowboy and western book writer for anyone who remembers his novels from the 1970s and 80s. But at the end of the day the plot was very much the same, good guys and bad guys go at each other with six-shooters, bad things happen in deserts in the middle of nowhere, and people take a bath maybe once a month in hotel above a saloon. Firefighter novels are a whole different can of beans. One chapter might be about what it’s really like to be inside a burning room. The next may be about what it takes to save someone who is suicidal, and the third may be about the effects of divorce on a firefighter’s mind. There’s no one story; firefighting is about living to save today and hoping to see tomorrow, but knowing a job needs to get done regardless. When everyone is running out for safety, the firefighter is running inside to stop the problem. Thought Torpedo is your door into the world of the firefighter novel after novel. Sit down, put your feet up, and read!