“Writing for laughter and to engender a tear is difficult and Michael R. Jasperson accomplished it wonderfully.”
Randy Langel – IBM Thought Leader, Internet pioneer, Author of The Ten Percent You Need to Know
What My Parents Couldn’t Teach Me, I had to Learn from My Children is a young father’s liberating discovery that hidden within everyday family chaos is the innocent wisdom of children.
What My Parents Couldn't Teach Me, I Had to Learn From My Children is available on Amazon
What My Parents Couldn't Teach Me, I Had to Learn From My Children
As a rule, men are ill-prepared for fatherhood. During their formative years, men hone their paternal skills through fantasy sports, virtual combat, and monster-truck rallies. Men acquire their nurturing expertise from football coaches, drill sergeants, and freeway driving. Every man entering parenthood is caught unawares of the radical culture shift. One moment, he’s at his favorite sports bar enjoying his hot wings, the next thing he knows he’s changing diapers in a supermarket shopping cart. Within a short span, men must make sense of diapers, tantrums, teething, potty-training, and radical maternal mood swings. Due to their lack of mental preparation, men approach the delicate intricacies of fatherhood clumsy and confused – which makes it hilarious.
What My Parents Couldn’t Teach Me, I had to Learn from My Children is a collection of insightful tutorials from a novice father. Such as: the art of vying against your own offspring for their mother’s limited attention; the risk of using your children to compete with other parents; and man’s inability to understand ‘natural childbirth’ as anything other than having an appointment to be hit by a bus.